Current Grimoire

List of spells, rituals and so on in my life. Words are power.

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Easy to describe, unusual as any. Now add curiosity, eagerness and optimism. I'm Will.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Táctica y Estrategia

Sorry to anyone who doesn't know Spanish, you are losing something important. This is from Mario Benedetti.

Mi táctica es
aprender como sos
quererte como sos

mi táctica es
y escucharte
construir con palabras
un puente indestructible

mi táctica es
quedarme en tu recuerdo
no sé cómo ni sé
con qué pretexto
pero quedarme en vos

mi táctica es
ser franco
y saber que sos franca
y que no nos vendamos
para que entre los dos
no haya telón
ni abismos

mi estrategia es
en cambio
más profunda y más
mi estrategia es
que un día cualquiera
no sé cómo ni sé
con qué pretexto
por fin me necesites.

To Will, To Know, To Dare, To Be Silent

expect the posts to change... this ain't a normal blog... so an old article could change position, as updates are made...

Every Man and Every Woman Is a Star

I swear I'll eventually write down, for now, I'll just keep the slots...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Do as you will

As you may have figured, this blog will update previous or the same entry without much notification... They serve as placeholder in some instances.

Do as you will

Notice I have left out the "Love under will" bit. Why? Because that part hasn't sparkled yet for me. (To be continued)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Truth shall set you free

A fresh start =) Just wanna start with a simple but powerful, while leaving the pattern I want to weaver here.

Truth shall set you free

Here I shall tell why I believe here is a shard of Truth, why I take it so serious and maybe an anecdote of story of how I came to meet it.... (that's when I have more time...)

My lojban isn't anywhere near perfect, but I have learnt the power of structures. So this phrase I understand it as 4 words, Truth, will, free, you. I use Truth to mean the basic fabric of reality. In other words, I believe that reality is beyond my perception. Notice than by that definition I'm parting away from the Christian root. That phrase meant that Jesus was the saviour, I don't think so.
I believe everyone of us are born free, and in fact we are doomed to be that way for all our lives. Don't remember from whom I get that quote... Anyway. So if we are already free, what's the point of that phrase? That we have a tendency to believe what we want. So you can have your Quiet or you can continually test your world. Even more, that phrase isn't just an advice, I believe some people would just continue to be pushed by reality, so in a form, this phrase is as real as 1+1=2. Meaning, even if you don't want, Truth will keep you free. You can grow bitter for Life not going the way you like, that's your problem.
So by now one can probably see several consequences. First, one needs to reason that if you don't take hold of your life, you are still responsible for it. Maybe that's why Buddhism tells you to always know about your breath-in/breath-out. Second, there's no excuse to have regrets or lies in your life. It's pointless. Uhm, all that shall be more explained in my next post, the Thelema one.